Gabriel Alejandro López López (Software Engineer)

Modern JavaScript that Internet Explorer 11 dislikes

- Things I have discovered when trying to run JavaScript code on IE11

Yesterday I was call to fix some issues on a website I “fixed” some weeks ago. Main thing was to update the theme (Wordpress). They had a lot of old stuff, 3rd party libraries and the sort of stuff that you can expect of something written on 2017.

The biggest change was migrating forms validation to checking values on change, and before submit to the native HTML5 validation techniques.

And as part of the job I started to write the JavaScript code using the native features instead of jQuery or other “tricks”.

Now, I have to fix some stuff again because on 2021 there is some people still using Internet Explorer 11 (IE11).

Things that does not work:

The list is in construction…

PS: Thanks to my colleagues epgeroy and geekmidget for the remote debugging as I don’t have IE11 on my Ubuntu machine.